Cymryd Rhan
Gwennan Lewis
Name: Gwennan Lewis
Age: 20
Club: Swansea Harriers
Event(s) Specialism: Shot put, discus (specialised) hammer, javelin (general)
Guiding principles as a coach: In order for a coach to benefit an athlete’s development, I feel the athlete themselves must be central in the coaches’ approach. And as a coach I believe it is important to lead each athlete by inspiring and motivating them with individual considerations. I express this in my own practice through connecting the potential of each athlete to their individualised goals, and provide an athlete centered framework to facilitate their progression.
Inclusivity is also a fundamental value I embed in my practice, providing a supportive environment in which I can guide the learning of my athletes to reach their personal goals is critical. For this to take place the environment in which they learn must provide challenge as well as success. Ensuring my practice is adaptable to each individual instills a sense of belonging for all and provides such inclusivity.
Coaching milestones: Each qualification I have secured I have viewed as a milestone, starting in 2016 when I completed my leading athletics award, to the milestone I am currently working towards, a BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching degree at Cardiff Metropolitan. They have all played a role in my coaching journey and provided me with experiences that have developed my overall understanding towards inclusivity and diversity as well as sports specific knowledge.
Aspiration as a coach: My aspiration as a coach is to inspire and encourage others to participate. In order for them to benefit from the social interactions, increase in confidence, improvement of self-esteem as well as the physical components achieved through physical activity. As an individual who has been involved in athletics since the age of 14 I have experienced all of the above benefits. And I want others to experience this too whether as an athlete or as a coach, I aspire to get others involved.
Dolenni diddorol
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