Cymryd Rhan
Chief Executive
James Williams
Working closely with the Board of Welsh Athletics, James is tasked with ensuring the strategic objectives of Welsh Athletics are achieved. As line manager to the four Head of Departments, he ensures that each department is delivering against the annual operational plans. His priorities are to ensure a solid financial Governance base for the sport to operate and develop. James is the main link with Sport Wales, UK Athletics and The Four Home Country Athletics Associations. A member of the UKA/HCAF CEO Forum, he also Chairs the Officials and Competitions working groups for UKA.
James, ar y cyd â’r Prif Weithredwr, sy’n gyfrifol am y gwaith o reoli Athletau Cymru o ddydd i ddydd. Mae’n rheolwr llinell uniongyrchol ar yr adrannau canlynol – Cyllid, Gweithrediadau, Cyfathrebu, Cystadlaethau, Cyfranogiad a Datblygu’r Gweithlu. Mae’n gweithio’n agos hefyd â’r Hyfforddwr Cenedlaethol, Chris Jones i sicrhau bod pob agwedd ar strategaeth Athletau Cymru’n cael ei chyflwyno. Mae’r Pennaeth Gweithrediadau’n atebol i’r Bwrdd ac i Gyngor Cyffredinol Athletau Cymru. Mae’n cynnal perthynas waith agos gyda UK Athletics, Chwaraeon Cymru a chymdeithasau athletau gwledydd eraill Prydain.

Dolenni diddorol
Tudalennau yn yr adran hon a allai fod o ddiddordeb.