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Dod o hyd i’ch cystadleuaeth

Defnyddiwch yr hidlyddion y islaw i chwilio am eich digwyddiad.

Trac a Maes

Swansea University Sprints Open

Owain LH Banner edit.jpg

Entry Fee = £6 per event

Max 1 event per athlete

Entries Close Tuesday 18th @ midday or when events have reached their entry limit.

Please do not enter events that are SOLD OUT

Event taking place are

100m U17 to Senior - Limit 60 (split into to sets of 30)
Heats 1 to 5 = fastest 30, heats 6 to 10 next fastest 30

200m U17 to Senior - Limit 60 (split into to sets of 30)
Heats 1 to 5 = fastest 30, heats 6 -10 next fastest 30

Sprint Hurdles
110m (Sen) Limit 8
110m (U20) Limit 8
100m (SW & U20W) Limit 8
80m (U17W) Limit 8

Long Jump - Limit 16 (split into two sets of 8) SOLD OUT
pool 1 = pb to 4.00m, pool 2 pb 4.01 up

High Jump - Limit 16 (split into two sets of 8)
Pool 1 = pb up to 1.49, pool 2 = pb 1.50+

Venue: Swansea UniversitySATURDAY 22nd MAY

Please email with any queries

Entries will be limited to 1 event per athlete due to limited capacity.  All events are subject to athlete interest.