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Dod o hyd i’ch cystadleuaeth

Defnyddiwch yr hidlyddion y islaw i chwilio am eich digwyddiad.

Trac A Maes

Cliciwch i weld digwyddiadau Welsh Athletics Ltd. trwyddedigTrac a Maesydd i ddod

Track & Field encompasses the key components of running, jumping and throwing. The majority of track & field competitions are held in the summer season, with indoor fixtures being held in the winter months.

  • On the track, there are various race distances varying from sprints to long-distance, and hurdles to steeplechase, race walking, and relay races.

  • On the field, there are throwing and jumping events these include; long jump, triple jump, high jump, pole vault, along with the throwing events; hammer, shot, javelin, discus and in disability events, the club throw.

Nid oes unrhyw gystadlaethau yn Trac A Maes ar hyn o bryd.