Race 3: Swansea Bay Summer 5k Series & Fun Run

START TIME: Kids 1k Fun Run: 18:00 5k Race: 19:00
LOCATION: Secret Beach Bar & Restaurant, Mumbles Road, Swansea
RACE ORGANISER CONTACT: enquiries@paulpophamrunningclib.co.uk
SERIES FEES - Affiliated Series Fee (all 3) £20 Unaffiliated Series Fee (all 3) £25
INDIVIDUAL RACES FEES - Affiliated £8 per race Unaffiliated £10 per race
FUN RUN - £3 per race, on the day entries – CASH ONLY
SERIES ENTRY LINK: https://www.runbritain.com/entries/EnterRace.aspx?evid=7abe0acc5969&erid=7db80cc95864
RACE ENTRY LINK: https://www.runbritain.com/entries/EnterRace.aspx?evid=7abe0acc5969&erid=7db80cc95864&rid=7bbf0fc05863
Swansea Bay Summer 5k Series and Fun Run 2023, is in its 5th year! The 5k Series is a fun and competitive event bringing club runners and fund runners from the local running community of Swansea and surrounding areas. The series is affiliated to Welsh Athletics, is fully licensed and counts towards runners’ power of 10. It is a flat fast course with stunning scenery of the Swansea Bay Coastline. There are trophies for the winners of each race and a trophy for the overall winner at the end of the series. All those who compete in all 3 events will receive memorabilia of the series (TBC). Prizes have been provided from a bottle of wine to various vouchers, this year’s prizes are TBC. The fun run is a 1k run is around the cenotaph. It has seen entrants from the children of the series taking part as well as runners from local schools. It is a way for children to experience a race with a start and finish line and timing. Ages for the fun run are 11 and under and there is a trophy for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place only. All proceeds from the Series are donated to Popham Kidney Support, who support children, youths and adults with kidney disease, their families and carers in Wales, to lead a better quality of life. It is the Charity’s 10th Year Anniversary in 2023.
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Tudalennau yn yr adran hon a allai fod o ddiddordeb.