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Dod o hyd i’ch cystadleuaeth

Defnyddiwch yr hidlyddion y islaw i chwilio am eich digwyddiad.


North Wales 10 Miles Virtual Road Championships



Entries close at noon (12:00) on Friday 12th February.

No late entries will be accepted.

The event will take place from 00:01 on Saturday 20th February to 11:59 on Sunday 21st February 2021. Entries will close at noon (12:00) on Friday 12th February 2021.

Age-groups will be (male and female): U20, senior, V35, V40, V45, V50, V55, V60, V65, and V70+. The minimum age to be included is 17.

The event is held under an Event Licence from Run Britain and under UKA rules. Entries to the event are free of charge and held with the assistance of Welsh Athletics. The costs of postage and envelopes are sponsored by Spillane and Co. Wealth Management Ltd.

Runners may choose their own course, which must be within the boundaries of the North Wales Regional Athletics Council area. Exceptions to this rule in the case of “lockdown” conditions, will be decided on an individual basis and on a written application.

The finish must be within one mile of the start. N.B. Downhill courses are not permitted.

Entrants must be current members of the Welsh Athletics registration scheme. This applies to both athletes that are members of affiliated Welsh Clubs and those that qualify for championships and are members of Clubs based outside Wales e.g. England. Athletes not meeting these conditions are automatically ineligible.

Runners should complete the course individually, and must always observe social distancing.

Runners should upload their Strava or Garmin times between 00:01 on Saturday 20th February to Midday on Monday 22nd February. (upload instructions available here). Runners must ensure that their runs are made PUBLIC to allow for result scrutiny.