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Dod o hyd i’ch cystadleuaeth

Defnyddiwch yr hidlyddion y islaw i chwilio am eich digwyddiad.


Elan Valley 10 mile road race

Date: Saturday 9th Novemeber 2019

Start: 1pm

Venue: Elan Valley

Distance: 10 miles

Description: This race follows a very scenic 10 mile loop around part of the Elan Valley. Registration will be at the Elan Valley Vistors Centre LD6 5HP starting from 10:30am, the race start is 1pm. No roads are closed for the event, therefore you are requested to refrain from wearing ear phones for your safety, and be able to hear marshall's instructions at all times. Entry Fees - Affiliated - ÂŁ12, Non Affiliated - ÂŁ14, On The Day Entry - - Affiliated - ÂŁ14, Non Affiliated - ÂŁ16

Organiser: Rhayader RC