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Brackla Harriers Pudding Race 2023

Brackla Pudding banner.jpg

Date - 10/12/2023

Start Time - 10:00

Location - Methyr Mawr Estate, CF32 0QP

Contact -

Terrain - Multi-terrain


The Brackla Harriers Christmas Pudding Race or “Pudding Race” as it is commonly known was launched in 1990 by the Bridgend Athletics Club, who continued to organise the event until handing over responsibility to Brackla Harriers in 2000.

From its inauguration the event has attracted runners from far and wide, gaining a steady reputation for both its physical challenge and the friendliness of the event.

It is the goal of the Brackla Harriers to maintain the highest possible standards for the annual “Pudding Race”, ensuring the event is as enjoyable and safe as possible for all participants and spectators.

Since 2021 the course has added a scenic run along a sandy path and uphill to a ‘Selfie Spot’ which has proved very popular. It is accurately described as a “Multi- Terrain” event taking a route measuring around six miles over a combination of sand, grass, mud and off-road terrain. Due to the terrain it’s impossible to get a perfectly accurate course measurement.

The event starts and ends at the Merthyr Mawr Warren and has enjoyed a close partnership with the Merthyr Mawr Estate.