Updated Clubs & Facility guidance - increase in numbers of users
08/10/2020 00:00, I Mewn Blog / Club Notice Board /
Following recent changes to guidance we have updated the Return to Providing Facility Use and the Return to Club Activity have been revised and amended (now on Version 5; 07/10/20).
The most significant change to these guidance documents is an increase in the number of users of a facility. Where a facility has space (as is the case with most dedicated athletics training venues), multiple groups are permissible within a facility and therefore the total number of people operating in or using a facility can exceed 30. Importantly, this is only where the groups can operate independently in a designated area and do not mix for the duration of the activity.
In all cases, the club should have carried out a thorough Risk Assessment and an increase in the number of users, as well as multiple groups, should be reflected and recorded in the associated risk assessment with the appropriate risk management protocols implemented.
"This increase in numbers will be a welcomed boost for clubs across Wales as well as allow for facilities to operate more effectively and practically over the next period. Whilst this is a real positive step forward for the sport in Wales, at this time we would also like to remind all clubs and club members of the ongoing requirement to act safely, responsibly and follow all of the latest Welsh Government guidelines for the benefit of all."
- The full set of Return to Athletics guidance is available here.
- In addition, we have recently added and amended the Welsh Athletics Frequently Asked Questions document to reflect local lockdowns where applicable.