The one day LiRF course is back!
08/12/2021 00:00, I Mewn Blog / Road / Trail /
In an unprecedented year for Athletics, and coach and leader development, the delivery of the Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) qualification needed to evolve to accomodate a Covid climate. This has created an opportunity for more people than ever to access the course, as it can be completed entirely online, or with a blended approach of online and face to face elements. This has helped overcome location and lifestyle challenges, which in the past would have potentially been a barrier to individuals becoming run leaders.
However, in order to ensure that all aspiring run leaders can learn in the way they want to, and have the opportunity for a face to face, tutor supported learning experience, we are pleased to announce that the original one day, in person LiRF qualification is back!
For greater clarity around what the 3 versions of the LiRF course entail please watch the video below:
To express your interest for an in person LIRF day course near you, or the other course versions, click here. To book onto the Penarth course on Jan 23/01/21 click here.
For any other queries relating to courses please email jana.pacyna@welshathletics.org