Safeguarding guidance for virtual coaching
01/04/2020 00:00, I Mewn Blog /
How do I keep coaching virtually and safely?
Treat coaching a group online as you would a physical group. Set up a closed group for you and your young athletes which includes their parents, and communicate with them all through this rather than one to one contact with athletes. Consider asking a parent to set the group up or at least be an admin so that everything is kept transparent. Facebook or WhatsApp* both work well for this and allow the sharing of links, photo's or video clips, chat, and keep a record of the communication. Provide your club welfare officer with an update on your communication method and a list of athletes that you will be engaging with so that they may keep a log of club activities. Be sensible and follow the usual thought processes in terms of protecting both you and your athletes.
*Other private messaging Apps include Signal - but with any App sharing of any personal data should be discouraged & privacy considerations taken seriously.
Please do contact our Welfare & Safeguarding Officer Steve Jones by phone or email with any queries or concerns. Further guidance and resources to help address mental well-being at this very challenging time are also being collated and made available.