Managing Uncertainty
13/07/2020 00:00, I Mewn Blog /
Following on from the Self Care series and continuing to promote positive mental health and wellbeing, we have created a new series to help Manage Uncertainty during this weird and ever-changing time.
During the pandemic many of us are feeling uncertain about the current situation as well as the future that lies ahead. This uncertainty can be caused by experiencing events which are unparallel to normal life, worrying about our safety and the safety of loved ones and the unknown. Truth be told uncertainties are a fact of life and having the ability to manage uncertainties is very important.
This series on Managing Uncertainty is a collaboration piece between Sport Wales, Welsh Athletics and other Sport Governing Bodies and aims to provide athletes and coaches with short video clips and practical resources on the following:
- How to Accept Uncertainty
- Control the Controllables
- Tips on How to Practice Gratitude
- Using your Support Network
- Staying in the Present
- Control you Breathing
Similar to the Self Care series, the video clips last about 5 minutes in length and include various practical exercises for individuals to take away and use to help manage uncertainty throughout their daily life.
Check out the 'Managing Uncertainty' playlist here: