Junior Club Activity to restart
26/03/2021 00:00, I Mewn Blog / Club Notice Board /
The Welsh Government have today confirmed that there is 'headroom' to continue with the relaxing of some COVID-19 restrictions from tomorrow, Saturday 27th March, including the following:
- Organised outdoor activities and sports for under-18s can resume
- Six adults from two households can now meet together for exercise
- Non-essential travel WITHIN Wales is now permitted
Following the granting of permission for facilities to re-open two weeks ago, this now means that clubs can start junior club training sessions again.
"There is no limit on the number of children and young children that can attend, but organisers should be mindful of the space available. Adults, including volunteers and qualified professionals, may attend these activities where they are involved in running them. Wherever possible children, parents and organisers should avoid car sharing and lifts to attend these activities." Welsh Government
- Welsh Government FAQs on Organised Children's activities
- Guidance for clubs on how to do this safely is available here.
James Williams, CEO, said:
‘This is another positive step forward for the sport. We are delighted to be able to welcome back juniors into our sport- the athletes, coaches, and clubs have been desperate to get back to enjoying their athletics.
We hope to see all our clubs re-starting and offering the opportunity for juniors from across Wales to get back to running, jumping, and throwing. The next step is to re-start junior competitions on a very local level – hopefully, this will be the case in the not too distant future. We will continue to work with Welsh Government and Sport Wales and make the case for a wider return for sport, and we hope the next 3-week review will see a further easing of restrictions.’
Further changes are planned for the coming weeks - some of these are summarised here and below - please keep checking back for more details and updated guidance