Invitation to a introduction to a introduction to Glide shot put and specific drills - Ryan Spencer Jones
14/05/2020 00:00, I Mewn Blog / Club Notice Board /
Morning and hope you are well and staying safe.
We hope that you and your family are well during these uncertain times. We at Welsh Athletics would like to thank you for all your hard work and contribution to development the sport of Athletics.
We understand that everyone will be working to find a new normal at the moment, and may not be thinking about coaching, but we would like to signpost an opportunity to develop your knowledge in “An Introduction to Glide shot put” to support your ongoing development at a coach. The webinar is aimed at being a relaxed community learning experience.
I hope you can join me for this short introduction webinar and the Aim and objectives are below –
Aim: To understand how to introduce the glide shotput specifically the stand throws and subsequent drills.
- Learning Outcomes
- Hand placement on the shot put and the correct method of placement and hold in the neck
- Determining the correct Shot put Placement in the neck.
- Power position and how to set up correctly in the circle
- Understanding the concept slow to fast and how to implement within the stand throw
- Understanding the concept low to high and how to implement within the stand throw
- Understanding the progression into the correct power position
- Implementing triple extension and the correct process of the stand throw
- Example of common technical breakdowns and solutions
Please just click on the following link to register - https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6585055809867211277
For other coach development opportunities and resources please head to the Welsh Athletics Stay Involved page or subscribe to the We Coach Wales Newsletter.
If you have any questions about the webinar please ask away.
Yours in sport