Firebreak Lockdown - Implications for Athletics in Wales
22/10/2020 00:00, I Mewn Blog / Club Notice Board /
From 6pm today, Friday 23rd October, Wales enters a national 17-day 'Firebreak Lockdown'.
The restrictions in place mean that for this short period, our sport returns to the 'Lockdown' phase of our Lifting Athletics our of Lockdown Roadmap with no clubs or groups allowed to meet together to train, and no face to face coaching permitted outside of your own household. For the Our 'Return to Athletics' guidance documents do not apply during this period - please check back after the 9th November when new advice will be published once we have more information on what the situation will look like.
Exercise can and should continue - it is one of the positives of the situation that going outside to be active is being very much encouraged, a few of the key points to note from the Welsh Government FAQs are included below. Look out for our M.A.D Firebreak Challenge coming next week, and remember there's lots of fantastic content from all our webinars on our YouTube Channel and a host of home-based workouts to try here.
Can I leave home to exercise?
- Yes. Exercise is important for physical and mental health, and you can leave home as often as you like to exercise as long as you do so from home and alone or with members of your household (and/or a carer).
What kind of exercise is permitted?
- There are no legal limits on this, but in practice, this is constrained by other restrictions that have been imposed such as the closure of leisure centres, gyms and swimming pools. As one of the purposes of the restrictions is to reduce pressure on the Welsh NHS, we also ask people to avoid activities that involve a significant degree of risk (for example swimming or other exercise at sea, or in lakes, rivers or other waterways).
Are there any limits on how far I can run or cycle for exercise?
- There are no limits on the distance you can travel during exercise, though the nearer you stay to your home, the better. Your exercise should start and finish from your home and you should exercise alone or with a member of your household
As in the previous Lockdown, please continue to keep connected to your athletics community and check in with others to help protect the mental wellbeing of both yourself and others.