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The Daily Mile

Welsh Athletics has entered into a formal partnership with The Daily Mile. The Daily Mile is a transformative initiative where children run, jog, wheel or walk for fifteen minutes every day. Inclusivity and accessibility has always been at the heart of The Daily Mile – getting young people involved regardless of ability.
Sign up here! Join The Movement | The Daily Mile
Ymunwch a’r mudiad! Ymunwch â’r mudiad | The Daily Mile
The Daily Mile is easy, free and fun to do! It is simple to implement and gets children out of the classroom for fifteen minutes every day to run, jog, walk or wheel at their own pace. It improves not only the children’s fitness, but also their concentration levels, mood, behaviour and general wellbeing making them fitter, healthier, and more able to concentrate in the classroom.
For the first ever World Daily Mile Day, Welsh Athletics visited Llandough Primary School in the Vale of Glamorgan to see how they run their Daily Mile.
Many schools across Wales already partake in The Daily Mile and have witnessed firsthand the benefits to both pupils and staff! Follow the link for advice and tips from fellow teachers who are already benefitting from the initiative.
TDM-Teachers-Advice-15.08.pdf (thedailymile.cymru)
Visit The Daily Mile website to sign up! You will find helpful resources, FAQ’s, a global participation map and much more! If your school is already signed up to The Daily Mile, please make sure you have registered via the webpage and share your story!
Share your story here: Your Stories | The Daily Mile UK
Calling all teachers, school staff, parents…
Is your school already signed up to The Daily Mile? If so, we’d love to hear your success stories and enable others to be inspired by your experiences! Please fill in the ‘share your story’ section below and our Run Wales team will be in touch!
For further information on ‘The Daily Mile’ get in touch with Cath, our Young Person Physical Activity Activator: cath.bingham@runwales.org.uk
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