Licensing An Event

[Image: Swansea Half, Front Runner Events Ltd.]
Safety and good organisation in all competitions are a pivotal part of Welsh Athletics' mission. Welsh Athletics are the only licensing body of athletics events in Wales. Events that are not licensed by Welsh Athletics will not count towards any rankings or selections and will not possess the licensing standards set by Welsh Athletics. The Event Licensing scheme has been designed to provide a guarantee of high standards in all events held under the Welsh Athletics name.
- Athletics clubs/organisations already affiliated with Welsh Athletics can send a licence application without the need to pay any additional fee.
- Non-affiliated organisations and clubs will be subject to a payment of ÂŁ75 each year (to be sent in with the Competition Provider application).
Upon receipt of the application, Welsh Athletics will send out a confirmation letter including a unique affiliation number. All licensed events will be listed on our website, and those hosting a Welsh Championship actively promoted online and via social media - please send us good quality images to help highlight your event. For those looking to boost promotion of their event further, we have a range of affordable packages available. Please contact Jozie Postles at jozie.postles@welshathletics.org to discuss options.
Safeguarding is an important part of hosting an event. Some helpful information on safeguarding procedures can be found HERE. Some information specifically concerned with the organisation of safe sports events can be found HERE.
We are looking to work more closely with the Competition Provider/Race organising community in Wales to share best practice and work towards our strategic goal to OWN IT!, we are committed to:
Collaborate with partners to ensure everyone, everywhere has access to relevant competition opportunities
You can subscribe to our Competition Provider mailing list here
The affiliation number will need to be included in all correspondence with the Licence Officer. To organise an event the affiliated Competition Providers are required to send the appropriate discipline-specific form.
Welsh Athletics Competition Licensing Portal, available below, directly to the Licence Officer. They will then issue a Welsh Athletics Licence featuring the event information and the affiliation number. A set of licensing resources (previously available via Run Britain) is available for event organisers here.
- Athletics clubs/organisations already affiliated with Welsh Athletics can send a licence application without the need to pay any additional fee.
- Non-affiliated organisations and clubs will be subject to a payment of ÂŁ75 each year (to be sent in with the application). This can be done through the Welsh Athletics Competition Licensing Portal.
Event Organisers find out exactly what is covered by this insurance by clicking here.
Please note: An event organiser should notify British Athletics if their events are to be televised.
- If you are looking to hold a track and field competition, please complete the online form Track and Field Licence application
- If you are looking to organise a competition - please use the Competition Organiser User Guide
- A track and field competition must take place within an athletics stadium and adhere to the licensing principles and standards for Track & Field Competition as set by UKA.
- All licensed competitions are subject to compliance with the UKA Safeguarding regulations and should be delivered in line with the relevant Codes of Conduct.
Useful Health & Safety Documents
- How to go about conducting a Risk Assessment
- Blank Risk Assessment Template
- Example Track & Field Competition Risk Assessment
- If you are looking to hold a cross country race, please complete the new online Cross Country Licence application Paper copies will no longer be accepted.
- A cross country race will normally be suitable for spiked shoes and should normally not include road or other hard surfaces.
- All licensed competitions are subject to compliance with the UKA Safeguarding regulations and should be delivered in line with the relevant Codes of Conduct.
Post Event Form - please complete the online form
Road Running and Multi-Terrain Licences are applied through the Welsh Athletics Competition Licensing Portal.
All races must adhere to a set of licensing standards.
Road and Multi-Terrain races are any race that take place mostly on tarmac, concrete, or paved roads. Multi-terrain must take place on at least 40% concrete, or paved roads.
All licensed competitions are subject to compliance with the UKA Safeguarding regulations and should be delivered in line with the relevant Codes of Conduct.
If you are looking to hold a fell race or mountain running race, please complete the Fell/Mountain Running Licence application and return to Welsh Athletics.
Fell races will take place on mountains, hills, and fells. They may require runners to have some navigational skills.
Mountain running must take place primarily off road on well-defined routes requiring no navigation or route choice. It must also possess an average incline of 5% and not exceed 20%.
All licensed competitions are subject to compliance with the UKA Safeguarding regulations and should be delivered in line with the relevant Codes of Conduct.
If you are looking to hold a fell race or mountain running race, please complete the Trail Licence Application and return to Welsh Athletics.
Trail running is defined as taking place predominantly on footpaths, bridleways, and towpaths. Races up to 40 miles must possess at least 60% trail, 20 miles at least 70% trail, and 20 miles or less must possess at least 80% trail.
All licensed competitions are subject to compliance with the UKA Safeguarding regulations and should be delivered in line with the relevant Codes of Conduct.
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