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Lee Davitt
I started running at a late age of 26 but came from a sporting background as I studied sports science at college, worked in a gym and played football but my main reason why I started running was to raise money for ysbyty Gwynedd Alaw ward when the owner of where I was working passed away of cancer and I wanted to do something to help. This is where I found my passion and love for the sport. I set myself a goal to run a half marathon, I had 3 months to train and only had my own knowledge and background as I didn’t feel I was ready to join a running club with such little experience. Joining a running club always seemed such a big and daunting step to take, all these athletes who have been training and competing for years, and then me who just started, it was scary, I felt I would be to slow, hold everyone up and it just put me off. I completed the half marathon, raised a nice amount of money but most of all I fell in love with running.
Moving forward a few years, competing in a few races here and there and times started to get better with every run, I felt now was the time to join a running club. I joined Eryri Harriers and had a fantastic time with them, great people to run with and this pushed me even further to get better and better. Until one day a friend asked to come running with me and if I could help them. We went out a few times and I mentioned joining a running club as well but was very reluctant as they was feeling exactly what I had all those years ago, this got me thinking how many other people feel the same ? What could I do to help ?
Running should be open to everyone, all abilities no matter how slow or fast you are, no one should feel that they are not good enough. The feeling of being part of a team, the support you get everyone should have a chance to experience this. This is where I started my coaching journey. Completed my leadership in running fitness course with Welsh Athletics, moved onto my coaching licence as well as completing my endurance specific training and many other qualifications, with my background already in coaching and my love for running the two together started a new journey Clwb Rhedeg Dvt Running Club. This club would be for everyone, all abilities, no matter if you are completely new or been running for years, fast slow this club will be open to all. We started running couch to 5k sessions and they became a huge hit, before we knew it we was getting 20-30 people wanting to join in, we made every session as fun as possible, this we found is key.
After the first few couch to 5k session people was talking a word was getting around that you didn’t have to be an elite to Join in, it felt like mission accomplished. Numbers grew so we put more and more sessions on but this meant having to get a good team of volunteers to help and that we did, without them we would not be here today. 6 years later we are affiliated with Welsh Athletics, have a great team and most of all we still do what we set out to do, help all runners no matter of your abilities.
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