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Alaw Beynon-Thomas
Age: 31
Club: Les Croupiers RC
Event(s) Specialism/Athlete Achievements: My event specialism is long distance/ endurance running, ranging from long track races, road running and cross country. Achievements include competing at the Commonwealth Half Marathon Championship in 2018 and BUCS gold at the 3,000m indoors in 2013. I have also won multiple junior and senior Welsh titles on the track, cross country and road. I am also proud that I have represented Wales every year so far, bar one or two, since I started competing in 2004.
Fy mhrif gamp yw rhedeg pellter hir, yn amrywio o bellter hir ar y trac, rhedeg heol a traws gwlad. Fy mhrif lwyddiannau yw cynrychioli Cymru ym mhencampwriaeth Hanner Marathon y Gymanwlad yn 2018 a medal aur yn gystadleuaeth BUCS dros 3,000m dan do. Yn ystod fy ngyrfa rwyf hefyd wedi ennill nifer o deitlau iau a hŷn Cymru ar y trac, traws gwald a heol. Rwyf yn falch iawn fy mod wedi cynrychioli Cymru bob blwyddyn hyd yma, gan eithrio un neu ddau, ers i mi gychwyn cystadlu yn 2004.
Aspiration as a coach:
My main aspiration and passion is to coach the next generation of Welsh athletes, ensuring that every athlete reaches his/ her potential, be it competing at school or local level or major championship such as The Olympics or Commonwealth games. Within these aspiration as a coach I would like to focus on three aspects; mentoring and developing young athletes into senior athletes - studies show that there is a high level of teenagers dropping out of the sport and I would like to encourage athletes to stay in athletics.
Secondly, I would like to coach and inspire young women and give them the confidence to participate in athletics. With more and more women running it is important that they have the opportunity and a platform to develop and receive guidance with their running.
Finally, I would ensure I create a coaching environment that is a safe environment, where athletes can be nurtured to be the best they possibly can as athletes and as human beings – developing essential skills such as confidence, communication, time management and social skills be it through the medium of Welsh or English.
Fy mhrif weledigaeth ac angerdd yw hyfforddi’r genhedlaeth nesaf o athletwyr Cymru, gan sicrhau fod pob athletwyr yn cyrraedd eu potensial, boed i gystadlu ar lefel ysgol neu leol neu bencampwriaeth ryngwladol megis y Gemau Olympaidd neu Gemau’r Gymanwlad. O fewn y weledigaeth yma hoffwn ganolbwyntio ar dair prif agwedd, y gyntaf yw meithrin a datblygu athletwyr ifanc i gystadlu ar lefel hŷn – dangosir ymchwil fod yna lefel uchel o arddegau yn gadael y chwaraeon a hoffwn weithio gyda’r athletwyr yma i’w hannog i barhau o fewn athletau.
Yn ail, hoffwn hyfforddi ac ysbrydoli menywod ifanc i gael yr hyder i gymryd rhan mewn campau athletau. Wrth I’r nifer o fenywod ifanc sy’n rhedeg cynyddu mae’n bwysig iddynt gael y cyfle a’r llwyfan i ddatblygu a derbyn arweiniad gyda’i rhedeg.
I gloi, baswn yn sicrhau fod yna ac amgylchedd hyfforddi diogel, lle gall athletwyr gael eu magu i fod yn bobl ac athletwyr cyflawn wrth ddatblygu sgiliau allweddol megis hyder, cyfathrebu, rheoli amser a sgiliau cyfathrebu a hynny drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg neu Saesneg.
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