Get Involved
Membership and Registration Officer
Jacqueline Brace
Jacqueline is responsible for the Welsh registration of all club runners, club affiliation, transfers and eligibility. She also issues all endurance licences both at Welsh Athletics and runbritain. Jacqueline has worked for Welsh Athletics for 20 years and is a coach, official and former athlete. Please contact Jacqueline for all enquiries in these areas.
Jacqueline sy’n gyfrifol am gofrestru’r holl redwyr clwb, aelodaeth gyswllt, trosglwyddiadau a chymhwyster. Mae hi hefyd yn dyfarnu trwyddedau rasys dygnwch i Athletau Cymru a runbritain. Mae Jaqueline yn gweithio i Athletau Cymru ers 20 mlynedd ac mae hi’n hyfforddwr, yn swyddog ac yn gyn-athletwraig.

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