Cross Country
2025 Welsh Cross Country Championships

The 120th Welsh Cross Country Championships will take place at Pembrey Country Park in 2025. A new venue will then be chosen for the 2026 - 2028 editions.
Please note that it has become neccesary to change the course at late notice (16/01/2025)
A course map can be found HERE
Start Lists can be found HERE
The 120th Welsh Cross Country Championships move to Pembrey Country Park near Llanelli (SA16 0EJ). An 11 race programme will start with Primary School Races, held jointly with the Urdd Gobaith Cymru. The event will host a trial for Welsh Teams competing at the Home Countries & Celtic International.
Entries for the Championships are made by Club Team Managers and the event will host competitive team races as well as offering Welsh titles and individual medals. Entries for the Primary School Races are made directly with the Urdd Gobaith Cymru. Entry links will folllow shortly.
Previous winners in recent years include eight-time Champion Dewi Griffiths, James Hunt, Osian Perrin, Bronwen Owen and former UK Inter-Counties Champions Cari Hughes and Jenny Nesbitt.
Master categories are offered in five year incremenets from 35. Men over 65 will be competing in the women's race.
Ample parking is available on-site. You will need to purchase a parking ticket at one of the payment machines available on-site, before making your way to the exit barrier. You can also pay for parking in advance by following the link: Parking tickets - Choose ticket type - Tickets - My Account
Parking for the event will be using 'Archery Field' alongside the closed road cycling circuit. This will be clearly marked as event parking and directed from the main entrance with event signage.
Team Managers will be required to collect their athlete’s number bib’s from the registration area. Any competitors who have entered themselves, may collect their own numbers. Parents / guardian’s can collect numbers for the Primary School Challenge Races.
Numbers must be collected at least 45 minutes before each race start time.
Please ensure that you / your athete's bring safety pins to secure there numbers. We will not be distributing pins for this event. If you need pins, they can be purchased at our retail marquee with all proceeds going to Mental Healh Charity MIND.
Primary Challenge Races
Race 1: School years 3 & 4 with 3 competitors to score in the team event.
Race 2: School years 5 & 6 with 3 competitors to score in the team event.
Year 3-4 Boys : Year 3-4 Girls : Year 5-6 Boys : Year 5-6 Girls
Welsh Championship Races
U13 - U15 Women: 4 to score
U17 / U20 Women: 3 to score (combined U17 / U20 teams)
U13 – U17 Men: 4 to score
U20 Men: 3 to score
Senior Men: 6 to score
Senior Women: 4 to score
Master Men and Women: 3 to score
Competitors need to be close to the start at least 10 minutes before the start of their race. The Start Co-ordinator will sound a whistle at two minutes to the start when competitors should make their way onto the start line.
The races will use a compact, winding, spectator friendly course. It has become neccesary to change the course at late notice (16/01/2025) so please familiarise yourself with the new course.
A barcode timing system will be in use as with recent previous editions.
Race presentations will take place as soon as possible after each race. The presentation area is near the finish area. Awards will be made to the both the first three athletes in each race and to the first three teams.
There will also be trophies issued to the winning senior male and female athletes and to the winning senior teams.
A caterer (provided by the local authority) will be in attendance, selling hot and cold refreshments. Further catering is available at the main cafe building behind the Visitor Centre and at the Ski Centre Cafe. Toilets are available on-site at the start / finish area and at the main cafe building and the Ski Centre building on-site.
Our Welsh Athletics retail store will be open at the event.
The Welsh Cross Country Championships will host a trial for the Welsh Teams to compete at the Home Countries and Celtic International in Leeds on 8th February.
Competition will be provided for Senior, U23, U20 & U17 age-groups.
A full selection policy can be found HERE
REGISTER HERE TO VOLUNTEER AT THE EVENT. If you have any questions please email volunteering@welshathletics.org
You can gain Time Tempo Credits by volunteering at our Championship events. Sign up here to Tempo Time Credits as a volunteer to gain credits at our events.
Tempo Time Credits can be exchanged for a wide variety of products, services and activities. Fun activities include entry to castles, bowling vouchers, tickets to music or sporting events.
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