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  BOOK HERE UKA Athletics Specific Disability Inclusion Training for Coaches and Volunteers Level 1 The UKA Athletics Disability Inclusion Training; Athletics and Running course was developed in ...

Menstrual Cycle 101  Y Cylch Mislif mewn Chwaraeon  BOOK HERE   The menstrual cycle is known to affect female athletes, negatively impacting training and performance. However, this does...

  BOOK HERE The Equality & Diversity course explains the fundamentals of equality and diversity and how they affect you. This includes looking at the Equality Act 2010 and the ‘protecte...

BOOK NOW Movement Skills Part 2 is the second in a two part offering of online workshops open to all Leaders and Coaches that focus on movement patterns that underpin all athletic events.  O...

BOOK NOW Movement Skills Part 1 is the first in a two part offering of workshops open to all Leaders and Coaches that focus on movement patterns that underpin all athletic events. Movement Skills...

  Monday 29th July 6-9pm (with breaks) Registration link  Location: Virtual classroom (once you register on the course via Athletics Hub your booking confirmation email w...

Monday 19th & Wednesday 21st August 6-8pm BOOKING LINK If you are having difficulties booking on a course please email The level 1 Field Official ...

Thursday 22nd August, 6:30-8:30pm BOOKING LINK  For more information on how to navigate Athletics Hub click here. If you are having difficulties booking on a course please email le...

BOOK NOW For more information on how to navigate the booking platform Athletics Hub click here. If you are having difficulties booking on a course please email A Coaching A...

BOOK HERE *NOTE* The filming of your leadership demonstration can be completed after the online classroom. For more information on how to navigate the booking platform Athletics Hub click here. I...

BOOK DAY 1 & 2 NOW Please book your choosen 'Event Group' when booking onto Day 1 & 2. Once you've added Day 1 & 2 to your basket please go back and search for WAAC24.3 and add...

The Risk Awareness module is the first session of the Level 1 Endurance Officials course. Date: Sunday 15th  September Time: 3-6pm Location: Virtual c...

Book Now For more information on how to navigate the booking platform Athletics Hub click here. If you are having difficulties booking on a course please email The Leader...

The Fell, Hill, Off Road and Trail Leader module is a workshop that is designed for those who have completed the standard LiRF or Coaching Assistants qualification and who now wish to lead g...

The Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and insurance to lead running based fitness sessions for people over 12 years of age. The course focuses on ...

Book Now For more infomation on how to navigate the booking platform Athletics Hub click here. If you are having difficulties booking on a course please email   ...

We are delighted to announce, the Welsh Athletics & Run Wales Annual Awards Evening will return on Saturday 28 September 2024 at The Vale Hotel, Hensol. This year's Awards Evening will also in...

BOOK NOW For more information on how to navigate the booking platform Athletics Hub click here. If you are having difficulties booking on a course please A Coaching Assist...

The Fell, Hill, Off Road and Trail Leader module is a workshop that is designed for those who have completed the standard LiRF or Coaching Assistants qualification and who now wish to lead g...

BOOK NOW For more information on how to navigate the booking platform Athletics Hub click here. If you are having difficulties booking on a course please A Coaching Assist...