Movement Skills 1 - Online Course
Event Start: 01/10/2023 12:00
Event Ends: 01/01/2030 12:00
Movement Skills Part 1 is the first in a two part offering of workshops open to all Leaders and Coaches that focus on movement patterns that underpin all athletic events. Movement Skills Part 1 and Part 2 are both delivered as an online-based workshop.
- An introduction to movement skills to develop athletic performance
- Scientific theory of the demands placed on the body in performance
- Practical concepts covered to overcome the demands placed on the body
- Gain an understanding of the various training modalities
- Improved use of the body to perform
- An understanding of how to best challenge to perform
- Improved library of drills and exercises to implement
- The ability to implement drills and exercise within plyometric, strength and movement skill training
- Online-based workshop allowing users to complete in their own time – users can pause, replay and come back to the module so that they can go and practice activities, or take a break, without having to complete in one sitting
Leadership in Running Fitness, Coaching Assistant or higher.
It is strongly recommended that coaches complete the Movement Skills Part 1 online workshop before moving to the Movement Skills Part 2 workshop.
1.5 hours (self-paced)
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