Equality & Diversity in Sport (online)

Event Start: 01/10/2023 12:00
Event Ends: 01/01/2030 12:00
The Equality & Diversity course explains the fundamentals of equality and diversity and how they affect you.
This includes looking at the Equality Act 2010 and the ‘protected characteristics’ that form the basis of the law, as well some of the barriers that can prevent equality being realised, such as prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, victimisation and harassment.
This course can help introduce new recruits to the subject or act as a refresher, and is accredited by Secured by Design and meets national Police approved standards.
Course Code: EDIS-Online
LOCATION: Online learning
Duration: 1 Hour (Self Paced)
Minimum Age: 16 yrs.
Cost: £4.50
To Apply: Please click on the link for online registration to this course. For more information on how to navigate Athletics Hub click here.
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