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Welsh Athletics #Inspire Virtual Coaching Conference 2022 - Introducing Biomechanics for Throws: What coaches need to know. Host: Shaun Pickering

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Event Start: 03/03/2022 18:00
Event Ends: 03/03/2022 19:00

Title: Introducing Biomechanics for Throw – What coaches need to know

Host: Shaun Pickering

Session Objectives:

  • Beginners understanding to throws specific biomechanics
  • Understanding why individual techniques work for specific athlete
  • Using the biomechanics of the throw to develop a technique to compliment an athlete’s strengths
  • Using the biomechanics of the throw to combat weaknesses within the athletes throw
  • Making technical changes by using the biomechanical data
  • Affects of aerodynamics on individual throws event
  • Q&A

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