Welsh Athletics Guide Running Workshop Anglesey- (WAGRW22.7)

Event Start: 18/03/2023 15:30
Event Ends: 18/03/2023 17:30
The Welsh Athletics Guide Running Workshop has been developed in partnership with Disability Sport Wales with contribution and support from Guide Dogs Cymru.
The 2 hour workshop is a mixture of theory and practical activities and provides attendees with information and experience in supporting visually impaired people to run.
The workshop will explore the various types of visual impairment, tips for operating safely whilst guide running and how to make your running sessions VI friendly. The practical element will give the opportunity for attendees to experience guiding and being guided by each other in a suitable setting.
Those completing the workshop with an up to date and valid Leadership in Running Fitness qualification will also have the opportunity to join the Welsh Athletics / Run Wales register of recognised Guide Runners (as featured on the Run Wales website).
Cost: ÂŁ20
Course Code: WAGRW22.7
Location: David Hughes Leisure Centre Ysgol David Hughes Menai Bridge Anglesey LL59 5SS
Closing Date for registration: 16th March (Or when filled to capacity)
More questions? To find out anything else about this course please contact education@welshathletics.org
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