Webinar Series for clubs: Helping you to deal with the impact of the Corona Virus pandemic
30/04/2020 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
Helping you to deal with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic
Welsh Athletics are pleased to announce a series of three online training sessions (webinars) to help our clubs and groups deal with the challenges we are all facing because of the coronavirus pandemic.
At Welsh Athletics, we do not have the answers, but we feel that it is important that we openly all share our thoughts and experiences from across Wales and the rest of the world. We have teamed up with Svend Elkjaer of the Sports Marketing Network, who some you will have engaged with through our annual conferences in recent years.
Sports Marketing Network are currently running webinars for people involved with community sport from across the world, particularly on the issues that we are facing due to the global pandemic crisis, as a result, he has developed considerable experience and understanding of the issue and has also come across some great examples of clubs doing some great work.
The webinars are open to all fully affiliated athletics clubs and members as well as registered Run Wales Running Groups and their members. To book onto the webinars please use the links provided below:
- Keeping Your Members Engaged 6.30pm Wednesday 20th May 2020
- What has your club or running group done to in response to COVID-19?
- What your club/group could do?
- Examples of best practice
- What are your member expectations?
- Best ways to increase your online content and presence for the benefit of your club/group and your members
- What Will Your Club / Group Do Now? 6.30pm Wednesday 27th May 2020
- Reflections on the last webinar
- Things to do in this relative ‘down-time’
- Club / Group Development planning
- Applying for grants and funding
- Support that Welsh Athletics & Run Wales can offer?
- Looking forward; considering your club / groups culture and outlook
- Preparing for Life after COVID-19 6.30pm Wednesday 3rd June 2020
- Reflections on the first two webinars
- Coming out the other side, how?
- If this were to happen again what would you do differently?
- What you can do to prepare for another suspension of the sport?
- What will ‘the new normal/new standards’ be? What will members be expecting? More interaction, more online content?
- What has your club/group started and what will you continue?
- And finally, a chance to be reflective - what will you have learnt over the last couple of months…
- Following registration, you will be sent a link which will take you directly to the online session.
- In addition, the webinars will also be recorded, allowing you to access them afterwards, and between the webinars, we will be producing follow-up notes which we will also be sharing.
- Each session will last between 30-40 minutes and there will be plenty of opportunities to engage, interact, learn, and ask questions.
- If you or your club/group have any points not detailed above that you would like us to cover please just let us know.
We look forward to hearing from you and look forward to you joining us online.