Upcoming Club Affiliation for 2023/24

01/04/2023 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
The 1st of April will see the beginning of the new affiliation period for all Welsh Athletics Clubs for the 2023/24 season. There have been a number of webinars to support the affiliation process as well as some key updates to the portal in order to make the process easier.
You can find all of the relevant videos on the YouTube playlist, extra attention should be paid to:
- Welsh Athletics Affiliation Guide
- Club Affiliation Webinar
- Take payment through the secretary's portal
Club Standards
To log in to your club secretary’s portal to begin your club affiliation click here.
Your club affiliation will be reliant on successfully completing the Club Standards, of which the below are mandatory:
- Club Standard 1: Club constitution that has been reviewed in the last 3 years.
- Club Standard 2: All key committee roles are filled.
- Club Standard 3: Have the required Club Welfare Officers with all the required qualifications* and confirmed code of conducts and safeguarding statements.
*A club welfare officer must possess an up-to-date DBS, have completed a Time to Listen course and has also completed the online Safeguarding in Athletics module. Once you appoint an individual to the Club Welfare Officer Role, they will have 30 days to book on to the relevant courses and to begin their DBS process.
Please note that until a club has updated their club standards they will not be able to register any members with Welsh Athletics, we advise you do this as soon as possible so as not to impede on athletes entering races/competitions.
A reminder of the affiliation fees:
At this years Welsh Athletics AGM in October 2022, it was voted on and decided, that the fees for the 2023/24 season will remain the same, to be sensitive towards the current cost of living and pressures faced following the pandemic.
- Club Affiliation Fee will remain at £100 per club.
- Senior Membership will remain at £19.50pp.
- Junior Membership will remain at £12.50pp.
Codes of Conduct & UKAD Regulations
We encourage all clubs to emphasise the importance to their members of logging into their myAthletics portal to update their details, and confirm that they agree to adhering to the sports Codes of Conducts and UK Anti-Doping regulations.
Support to affiliate your club:
If there are any queries regarding how to affiliate a club, in the first instance, club secretary’s should visit the FAQ section within the secretary’s portal and visit the webinars outlined above. If you are still experiencing difficulties, please contact the Welsh Athletics team on office@welshathletics.org and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
The Welsh Athletics Club Affiliation Terms & Conditions can be found here.