01/07/2020 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
As you would imaging, following the release of a series of ‘guidance’ documents athletes, leaders, coaches and clubs have been using the last couple of weeks to start planning their return to activity. In the mean-time the predominant method of delivery and engagement for most clubs has been online and utilising technology.
Showcase: Aberdare Valley AAC: Coaches and volunteers from Aberdare Valley AAC have been helping Sport RCT with their Learn-At-Home sports session. A great way to help educate and keep the athletics and wider running community in Wales fit, healthy and engaged. Further information can be found on the club twitter account.
In other Aberdare related news, the Ron Jones Stadium became one of the first dedicated athletics facilities to open it’s doors. It is anticipated that we will start to see a number of facilities in Wales start to re-open their doors for use over the coming weeks and months. It is important to stress that each facility operator/provider will do so in their own time to ensure the safest and most responsible approach is taken.
Club Update
We have revised the Club Update Document with the most up to date information and have also sent a Junior focused update directly to junior clubs last week. This document can be found here.
How can you #SupportYourClub?
Get involved in one of our forthcoming webinars, next up this evening is the Sports Parents and Families session taking place 7-8pm, a must for all parents, coaches and all those working with junior athletes.
More #SupportYourClub activities:
The next series of #SupportYourClub webinars have been scheduled and will take place on the following dates:
- Tuesday 21st July (7.00pm – 8.00pm)
#SupportYour Club: Physical Literacy and Athlete Development
- Tuesday 28th July (7.00pm – 8.00pm)
#SupportYour Club: Becoming a Cashless Club
- Tuesday 11th August (7.00pm – 8.00pm)
#SupportYour Club: Club Development and Planning
Click through the links for registration. Details of all the forthcoming webinars can be found on the Stay Home, Stay Involved page.
Club not yet featured? Want to share your club engagement ideas and success stories? Why not message us on social media @WelshAthletics or via email at: media@welshathletics.org