Rule relaxation recap – where are we with a Return to Athletics in Wales?
17/05/2021 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
Rule relaxation recap – where are we with a Return to Athletics in Wales?
Over the past month the combination of falling transmission rates and increasing numbers of fully vaccinated people have meant a rapid changing and relaxation of the COVID regulations for Wales, here’s out recap of where we currently are with the lifting of restrictions and return to Athletics in Wales.
- From 17th May Adult group numbers for organised activities have increased - Outdoors = up to 50, Indoors = up to 30.
- All outdoor athletics facilities are able to open, indoor facilities will be allowed to reopen from the 3rd May. Check with your local facilities to confirm opening arrangements and any additional procedures in place you will need to follow.
- There are no restrictions on travelling to train, coach, volunteer, or compete within Wales.
- Full suite of updated guidance documents available here
Children and Young People
Organised activities
- Outdoors = From 27th March
Organised outdoor activities for children and young people aged 18 or under (or persons who were aged under 18 on 31 August 2020) restarted with unlimited numbers, but organisers should continue to be mindful of the space available. More information from the Welsh Government is available here.
- Indoors = From 3rd May
Organised indoor activities for children and young people aged 18 or under (or persons who were aged under 18 on 31 August 2020) can restart.
Informal activities
- Outdoors = From 24th April
Up to 6 adults from 6 different households can meet up outdoors. Children under 11 years of age or carers from those households, can also be part of this group and are not counted within the limit of 6.
Organised activities
- Outdoors = From17th May
Groups of up to 50 can meet to run and train in line with our published guidance. Athletics clubs and social groups will need to have COVID officer in place to ensure risk mitigation measures are in place. Guidance on a Return to Group Running is available here.
- Indoors = From 17th May
Up to 30 adults can meet indoors for organised exercise & sport. Social distancing and the ‘Hands, Face, Space’ message will still need to be followed.