Coach Calendar: Super September

25/08/2023 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
Our Coach Calendar is celebrating Super September where we will see the return of coach education courses for our LiRF, CiRF, Athletics Coach and Coaching Assistants courses across Wales following the summer break.
We will return to St Cyres for Day 4 of our CiRF course on the 2 of September, where we will see candidates demonstrate their learning and expertise gained through Face to Face and self-paced learning. On completion of Day 4 and meeting the criteria we will see coaches attain their CiRF qualification which is designed for those who want to get involved in coaching runners over the age of 12 that take part in non-track based activities e.g. road, fell, cross country or multi terrain events.
We will also be visiting Coleg Cambria Deeside twice during Super September for the following courses:
- 17 September WALiRF23.4 LiRF Coaching Course which will run from 10am – 1pm
- 17 September WAGRW23.3 Guided Running Workshop 2pm – 4pm
- 23 September WACA23.4 Coaching Assistant Course 9am - 5pm
Aberdare Valley AC will be the hosts for our Super September Athletics Coach course which will take place on the weekend of the 23 and 24 of September.
- 23 & 24 September, WAAC23.2 Athletics Coach Days 1&2. With Day 3 – Online / Self-Paced session, with an optional Webinar (Event group specific) Day 4 – Face to Face or ROPA Assessment Day - t.b.c
And St Cyres will be the host for our ‘South’ Athletics Coach Course
This is just a snapshot of courses that we have on offer for our autumn winter programme, for a full list of all our current ‘virtual/online’ and ‘Face to Face’ courses please visit our course calendar.
If you can’t find a course in your area, please email education@welshathletics.org to submit an expression of interest.