British Athletics Cross Challenge Incorporating UK Inter Counties Championships

09/03/2023 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board / Cross Country /
On Saturday the 11 March the final installment of the British Athletics Cross Challenge will take place at Prestwood Hall, Loughborough.The event will also incorporate the UK Inter-Counties Cross Country Championships.
As the Cross Challenge sereies closes to the end, the Inter-Counties will see the four regions of Wales compete agianst three Scottish regions and the English counties.
In the U17 races SIAB Cross Country International Captains Iwan Thomas (West Wales) and Beca Bown (North Wales) will be in action. In December Thomas was joint lead in the standings for his age category with Iassac Morris (Camebridge & Colerdige). Whilst Bown was recently crowned U17 Women's Champion at the Welsh Cross Country Championships.
Recent Welsh Schools Cross Country and Welsh Cross Country Champion, Gwenno Goode (South Wales) will be competing in the U20 women's race.
In the Senior race Lucy Marland (South Wales) will be competing, Marlan recenetly won silver in the Senior Women's race at the Welsh Cross Country Championships and claimed the Masters 35 title.
Competing for North Wales in the Senior men's race is Charlie Hulson (North Wales), Hulson will also be competing in the London Marathon British Elite Men's field.
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