Athletics Facilities in Wales
02/07/2020 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
The First Ministers announcement on Friday 19th June was certainly seen as a positive in terms of the change to outdoor sports courts and facilities (including tracks). Following this Welsh Athletics released of a series of ‘guidance’ documents for athletes, leaders, coaches, clubs, groups and facilities.
The facility guidance was intended to help providers in terms of their return to use planning. Over the last few days, we have started to see the first athletics facilities in Wales start to re-open which is a really positive sign for the sport however it is clear that each individual facility in Wales is at very different stages of readiness in terms of their return to use.
In addition, currently any and all activity must be carried out within the current Welsh Government restrictions, which as we know are currently; local travel only and meeting up only with members of one other household whilst maintaining social distancing which, again presents some challenges and may be a limiting factor for many.
We envisage that clubs will work with providers to plan a safe and responsible return to activity and potential club training as and when feasible. To manage expectation, we are advocating that all those involved in the sport use this time to prepare for a safe return to activity.
It is important to note that we are working with UKA and facility operators across Wales on a daily basis and clearly the situation is changing with the development of new intelligence and understanding directly impacting the way in which we navigate any return to activity.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is my local facility open?
We know that different facilities across Wales will open at different times and have differing return to use timelines. A list of facilities and contact information can be found on the Welsh Athletics Facilities page. We would suggest that you contact your local facility to get full details of opening times and any restrictions currently in place.
Can I travel to a facility that is open to use it?
Yes, but this must be done within the current Welsh Government travel guidelines which at present allows only ‘local’ travel. In this context Welsh Government have stated that;
‘local means not generally travelling more than 5 miles from home’.
When I am there, what equipment can I use?
It is important to note, in the early stages of re-opening facilities there is likely to be significant restrictions on the use of equipment. We know that there are currently restrictions surrounding the use of jumps beds, landing areas and sand pits. With each operator understandably taking a cautious approach.
When will there be a return to club training?
It is clear that each facility in Wales will open at different rates and this will be dictated by the facility provider/operator. At this time, we are asking that clubs work with providers to plan a safe and responsible return to activity and potential club training. If you have any questions, please contact your club directly.
What about meeting up / training in groups outside of facilities?
As it currently stands, Welsh Government guidelines only permit meeting up with members of one other household, outside whist adhering to social distancing protocols. As such, at this stage, we do not recommend any group activities.
When can we return to wider facility use and training?
We understand that this is a very frustrating time for us all and naturally we are all looking forward to a wider return to activity when possible. The rate of this return will be dictated by the timelines Welsh Government set about the easing of restrictions and therefore at this stage, there is still a great deal that we do not know.