Key points from our Annual General Meeting

25/10/2022 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
Thanks to all who attended this years Annual General Meeting on Saturday 22nd October. The following are the key points agreed by members at the meeting:
- The annual Club affiliation fee and Membership fees for Juniors and Seniors were confirmed as being frozen for 2023 - ÂŁ100 per year for clubs, and ÂŁ12 for juniors, ÂŁ19.50 for seniors
- Colin Jackson CBE has been appointed as a patron of Welsh Athletics alongside Lynn Davies CBE
- Jamie Clode was elected as the new Chair of General Council and will therefore join the Board. The role of Secretary of General Council will be advertised shortly.
- The new President of Welsh Athletics is Mr Graham Finlayson. Graham is a stalwart of Cardiff Athletics and an experienced event organiser, in particular he is heavily involved in the increasingly prestigious Cardiff Cross Challenge. He takes over from the departing Lynette Harries who had been in the role since 2015. Bernie Plain was voted in as Honorary Vice-President.
- New Disciplinary Rules and Procedures that apply across the sport were formlly adopted into the Byelaws of Welsh Athletics.
- Three new Life Members and new recipients of the Service Awards were all proposed and approved - details here.
Draft minutes of the meeting will be available shortly, and next year's meeting will provisionally be held on Saturday 21st of October 2023.