What Does Mental Health Mean To You?

31/07/2024 00:00, In Blog /
Our friends at Mind Cymru joined us at the Senior & U15 Championships in June, not only to cheer on the athletes but to open important conversations about mental health within athletics.
They asked athletes what mental health means to them and whether they feel it’s spoken about enough. Here’s what they said:
Funmi Oduwaiye:
“Mental health means a lot, especially in athletics where it’s such an individual sport. Sometimes it does get hard, sometimes it does get lonely – so take the support given to you.”
Clara Evans:
“I think mental health to me is about being in the right headspace personally and professionally so you can compete and live your life fully. Being in the right space is different for everyone so it’s just about finding that balance.”
Gracie Griffiths:
“A lot of athletes are doing their best to promote awareness of mental health. I think it’s beneficial, not only for athletics but sports in general, as you can carry the advice on in day-to-day life and how to deal with the pressure in general.”
Adele Nicoll:
“I think it’s definitely being spoken about more, but there’s more we can do to make it normalised and know that there’s somebody out there that can support us when we’re not feeling ourselves.”
Big thank you to the athletes for being so open about your experiences!
Head to Mind’s website if you need any information or support for your mental health: mind.org.uk