Talent Coach Initiative Launch

03/12/2021 00:00, In Blog /
At Welsh Athletics we recognise that our coaches are the ‘linchpin’ in delivering an athlete-centred approach, for the long-term development and success of athletes in the sport. As an NGB we are investing in our coach development opportunities, committing to putting coaches at the heart of their own development. For this reason, we are pleased to announce our new pilot Talent Coach Initiative.
This initiative is aimed at supporting the bespoke development needs of coaches’ working with athletes on our WA funded programmes, and the grant award is to be aligned to an individual coach's development plan.
This pilot initiative is open to Welsh based coaches fitting the criteria below.
- Currently, be predominantly based in Wales.
- Currently coaching WA programme athletes (NDP and above).
- Be committed to their own continued development as a coach.
- Have a proven ability to foster positive relationships with key stakeholders within the Welsh athletics community.
To be considered to receive grant funding (up to £1500), coaches should clearly demonstrate the difference that the grant will make in relation to their development needs, and how it will contribute to their progression towards:
- Planning, delivering, reviewing and reflect on athlete-centred coaching programmes, being agile in the day-to-day prescription to support athlete progression and prevent injury/burnout
- Working with athletes to agree process and performance goals, building an open and positive platform for communication to support the person and athlete in front of you
- Being self -aware of areas of growth aligned to coach development and holistic long term athlete development need
- Leading and working collaboratively with performance support services to profile athletes and implement development strategies in line with performance goals.
- Interacting with key external stakeholders an inter-disciplinary team, NGB support staff, agents, sponsors and competition providers
If successful in their application, coaches will have a meeting with the WA Coach Development Manager, and their respective Event Group NTDC, to focus and align the awarded grant amount to the coach development plan. The full grant amount is not guaranteed.
To complete the application form, click here. The closing date for applications is Monday 13th December 2021.