Statement from Commonwealth Games Wales CEO and Chair
12/08/2020 00:00, In Blog /
Response to #Birmingham2022 plans for a multi-site athlete village
Alternative Accommodation Update
As the news breaks on B2022’s plans for a multi-site athlete village, Commonwealth Games Wales, the representative body for Team Wales at the Commonwealth Games, along with many other CGA’s, supports the decision of a different model and looks forward to working with the host to create a united and positive environment that focuses on performance.
Chris Jenkins, CEO of Commonwealth Games Wales said:
“Whilst there will be a few challenges for Team Wales, the new Village model does mean that athletes will be based closer to their venues which could be a real positive for their preparation, performance and recovery.
We will work closely with sports and athletes to contribute to Birmingham 2022 planning and to adapt Team Wales’ plans to ensure we provide the highest level of support for the Team, leading to performances to excite Wales and the Commonwealth.”
Helen Phillips MBE, Chair of Commonwealth Games Wales said:
“We recognise the impact that Covid-19 has had on original plans and congratulate B2022 on their efficient reaction to the situation. Whilst not ideal, we are assured and confident that the new solution will provide an outstanding performance environment for our athletes and we'll continue to work with B2022 on the finer details.
Needless to say the new model, whilst reacting to the recent events, could shape the way for potential games hosts in the future.”
More information on #Birmingham2022 plans for a multi-site athlete village here: