Sad passing of George Tudor
04/01/2022 00:00, In History /
From Bernie Jones, North Wales Cross Country League:
"It is with great sadness that our Referee for many, many years, George Tudor, sadly passed away in the early hours of 24th December.
George, along with Les Baldwin, were the two main referees for the North Wales Cross Country League for many years and when I started assisting George over twenty years ago he was very helpful and a great mentor(I still have the notes he scribbled for me to be a good referee). For those who had the privilege of seeing George in action he was a no nonsense Referee who put the athletes first.
George and his wife June, who always supported him at all of his races, were rightly awarded the Bebbbington Shield for Special Endeavour from the North Wales Cross Country Association in 2010.
George would have been 85 on 10th January and sadly suffered a minor stroke in October. After a period in Telford hospital he was transferred to Ludlow. George passed peacefully with his family at his bedside."
Our condolences to June and all of their family from everyone associated with the North Wales Cross Country League