RWA Inter Area Match Preview

20/03/2019 00:00, In Blog /
Four promising young athletes have been selected to represent Wales in this years Race Walking Association’s Inter-area match at Eltham on Saturday. Leading the selections is Under 20 Swansea Harrier, Megan Stratton-Thomas, fresh from her pb over 10km in Switzerland last weekend, and she's joined by fellow Swansea Harrier, Shannon Thomas (U20) and Menai T&F’s Georgia Parkinson (U17), whilst Cardiff’s Daniel McKerlich (U20) will represent the men's team.
Team leader, Martin Bell, commented “I’m really pleased to see Wales being invited to enter a team into the RWA Inter-area match as there have been limited opportunities for young Welsh race walkers to compete for Wales. The SIAB Schools International has been the main source of domestic competition for young race walkers in recent years, so it's great to be able to offer another opportunity to the growing number of race walkers in Wales. I hope that now this competition opportunity is available, more athletes look to target it in future years. I certainly think Wales can mount a serious challenge to England South’s domination of the meet in the next few years.
Bethan Davies and Heather Lewis have shown that Welsh race walkers can succeed, both within the UK and internationally, and hopefully some of those selected can go on to match or even better the performances of Bethan and Heather in the years ahead.”