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Rhymney Valley AC Young Leader Programme

26/08/2021 00:00, In Blog /


On Monday of this week Welsh Athletics went to Oakdale Track in Caerphilly to deliver a Leading Athletics workshop to a group of young people age 14+. These young people are currently athletes from the club who have shown a flare for encouraging others to develop in the sport.

The workshop supported the leaders to;

  • consider the key components in delivering a safe and inclusive athletics to a group to developing
  • look at the key movement skills and skill development in running, jumping and throwing activities
  • practice leading running, jumping and throwing sessions with mentor support

Moving forward, some of these young leaders will help facilitate the RVAC coaching team delivery, whilst developing skills and knowledge, and creating the opportunity for more athletes to participants in athletics sessions in the area.  In the future it is hoped that the new leaders will take the next step on their journey in becoming a coach and complete the UKA Coaching Assistant quailification.

If you are interested creating a similar opportunity at your club, please email