Commonwealth Games nomination policy released

20/11/2020 00:00, In Blog / Track & Field /
"We are publishing our policy early so that you, as athletes and coaches, have as much time as possible to prepare properly and to gear your preparations to achieving the standards. We wish you all the best with your endeavours in trying to meet these standards - Good luck to you all."
Rydym yn cyhoeddi ein polisi'n gynnar fel bod gennych chi, fel athletwyr a hyfforddwyr, gymaint o amser â phosib i baratoi'n briodol ac i anelu at sicrhau bod eich darpariaethau yn cyflawni'r safonau. Dymunwn y gorau i chi gyda'ch ymdrechion i geisio bodloni’r safonau hyn - Pob lwc i chi i gyd”.
Steve Perks, Chair of Welsh Athletics
View and download the nomination policy - English
| Cymraeg 
There will be a virtual information day on Saturday 12th December starting at 10.30 am, please register here for this. This will be the start of a programme of ASK US sessions which will continue in the new year providing ample opportunity for questions as we look to help athletes and coaches navigate the process whilst COVID-19 continues to impact on training and competition. Athletes who have met the required standard for nomination will be provided with support to aid their preparations.
Our National Coach Chris Jones, talks through some of the key points around the policy:
We have conducted an Equality Impact Assessment on the policy - available to view here