Coach & Official License Checklist Update
11/04/2024 00:00, In Blog /
As the licensing body for all Coaches and Officials (at levels 1-3) in Wales, Welsh Athletics are pleased to report that volunteers can now log into their myAthletics portal, and identify the current status of their license by following these simple steps –
- Log into your profile on myAthletics portal by clicking here
- Click on MY PROFILE (on the right-hand side)
- Scroll to MY COACH LICENCE (if a coach)
- Scroll to MY OFFICIALS LICENCE (if an official)
- A STATUS BAR will appear identifying the 5 steps required to obtain/renew licenses.
- A GREEN Status Bar Indicates license is valid (no further action required)
- A YELLOW Status bar indicates action is required to obtain a new license.
Underneath their license ‘Status Bar’ Coaches and Officials can clearly see what steps are required to obtain their new license and to be fully insured whilst operating.
This is a big step forward in terms of improving visibility for Coaches and Officials regarding the status of their license and this feature will only show for those who have/or are working towards a Coaching or Officiating qualification.
As part of our continued collaborative approach across the Home Country Athletics Federations’, Coaches and Officials will continue to receive their ‘license reminder notices’ via email, 3 months prior to their license renewal date. These emails will continue to be sent every month until their license expires and as such, we remind all our volunteers to make sure that their contact details are up to date!
Liz Taylor, Welsh Athletics Education Officer shared:
We are happy to see this new feature for Coaches, Officials and Clubs to access, and we continue to work towards administering the best support services available for all our members, which is at the heart of everything that we do here in both our Coach Education Team and our Officials Education team.